SO that's it then. Champions -- best record in the league.

Fewest goals conceded in the Combination in a decade, possibly even longer (over to you Mr Howarth). Yet the final game of our season, an Eddleston Cup semi-final defeat by a single goal to Alexandra Hotel Reserves, left me dreaming of what might have been.

The chance to complete the "double" against a team who we had beaten 10-0 in two League games was gone and boy did that rankle. Fortunately my assistant, Michael Corban, had the sense to pose the question -- "what would you rather have done. Win the Championship and lose the semi-final or finish mid-table and lose the final?" Tough choice. Now the hard work really begins with the Premier Division looking to have as much strength in depth as it has had for a number of years. The chance to renew a few old "friendships" is another reward for us and I'm sure that certain clubs can't wait to meet us again.

The achievement feels so much more satisfying given that our club almost folded two seasons ago and were it not for some very hard work put in by a number of individuals this season may never have happened. The spirit that the club has developed since then is a credit to everyone involved.

A few of our squad have also achieved promotion with Woodlands in the Sunday League and my congratulations go to their management team of Simon Place and Martin Gupta. A mid-season slump in form saw them resort to the drastic measure of using this column to deflate a few egos and the team won six of their last seven to secure second place. Amazing what you can do when everyone pulls in the same direction.

I'm off to Rishton now to find a man in a claret and blue shirt to discuss referees. Where did he live again? A house named after his refereeing standards . .. mmmm, probably won't get that printed! Only joking Neil.