A TEENAGER who had her leg amputated three years ago because of cancer could see her only wish come true - to be able to dance again.

Sarah Heyworth, 14, originally from Kelswick Drive in Nelson, now lives with her mum in Ashfield Road, Chorley was a member of the Chippendale School of Dance in Colne from being a toddler.

She took part in competitions every week with her sister Rebecca, 15, but all that was taken away from her when she found out she had cancer.

Sarah was diagnosed with cancer of the leg in July 1999 and after suffering a relapse last year, she was told she would lose her leg from the knee down.

The devastating news led Sarah's dad, Steven Heyworth who owns Heyworth's News in Colne, to raise money to pay for an artificial sports limb for Sarah, which will cost between £8,000 and £9,000.

He said: "Everybody who know's Sarah has been really kind and have wanted to help in some way or another.

"Sarah is lucky because she is very positive and has a lot of good people around her. With this new leg that she is set to get, there won't be any stopping her and she could then get back to doing the things she loves the best."

Mr Heyworh has carried out various fund raising events with the help of local organisations including the Chippendale School of Dance.

The fund has now reached around the £14,000 mark which will pay for a sports leg for Sarah, which she hopes will enable her to dance again.

Sarah said: "I used to love dancing and one of the hardest things to come to terms with was to know that I couldn't dance again or play any kind of sports. Nothing is certain at the moment but hopefully with the new leg it will look like my other leg and will allow me to move more easily and perhaps even dance again."

Sarah is due to go down to Dorset in August for special fittings at the same clinic Heather Mills has her leg made.

She will then look to have the leg cosmetically enhanced to make it look like her other leg.