THE leader of Preston City Council has announced he plans to stand down next year.

Councillor Ian Hall, who has served on Preston council since 1964, is to step down at next year's Labour Party AGM.

He said: "I'm carrying on for this year. But I felt I needed to advise my colleagues in advance.

"When we do the AGM in 2003 I will not be putting my name forward. But I have still got another 12 months to run.

"It's right to give them plenty of notice, and it was always my intention not to run on until I dropped dead!"

However, the veteran politician has no plans to leave the world of politics altogether

"I shall not be giving up as a member of the council, provided I'm fit and able to do the job," he said. "But I think the pressure of leadership is such that at my age I could well do without it."

Councillor Hall has had two spells as council leader. The first, from 1973, saw him in control of the council and the local Labour Party for nine years.

But recently Coun Hall has felt the pressure of leadership. He sais: "The last two years have been particularly challenging. We have had to put in a lot of new structure. It's involved a lot of work and meetings -- not only by myself.

"And the next 12 months is going to be very very busy. Now we have become a city, and I take some pride in the fact that it has happened while I have been the leader.

The next leader of Preston City Council will be chose in a ballot at the 2003 AGM of the local Labour Party.

Coun Hall said: "From a personal point of view it's nice when you get to your late years in life that you keep yourself active both physically and mentally. But I have been on the council since 1964, and that's a hell of a long time."