KITCHEN catastrophes turned cuisine champions received certificates to mark their progress.

Local parents have completed a seven-week basic cookery course run by Blackburn with Darwen Council's lifelong learning in partnership with Sure Start at Darwen Leisure Centre.

They were taught how to have some fun trying out new recipes and about the importance of a balanced diet for the health and well being of the family.

And at the end of the course they received a cookery kit containing everything they needed to reproduce the dishes at home.

Coun Mahfooz Hussain, executive member for education and lifelong learning said: "The Cookery Course is proving to be highly successful.

"Parents are enjoying cooking creatively, their families are benefiting from a range of interesting and nutritious dishes. The next course looks promising."

Sure Start is a local government initiative aiming to give families with children under four a flying start by providing a range of services and activities.

Anyone interested in the next cookery course should call Jeanette Cope on 01254 841052 or Peter Nowland on 01254 761044. Parents must live in the Sure Start area to qualify.