PROCEEDINGS have been launched for a Judicial Review of plans to close care homes in Lancashire.

Lancashire Care Association, together with seven homeowners and eleven residents, issued proceedings in the High Court yesterday..

The LCA is seeking the review under the Human Rights Act on the grounds that the proposals are putting the welfare of elderly people at risk.

The county council plans to close 35 of its 49 care homes -- 19 of which are in East Lancashire.

MPs and some local councillors are against the proposals and last month the Lancashire Evening Telegraph organised a protest march through Burnley Town Centre.

The county council now has 21 days to issue its grounds to resist the application for permission for a Judicial Review.

Frank Hessey, Chairman of LCA, said: "As providers for older people, it is our belief that care at home is insufficient for the vast majority of very frail, elderly people.

"The LCA is very concerned that the policy of reducing placements will put older people at risk. It also undermines the financial viability of all homes.

"Coupled with fee rates at an uneconomic level, many homes will close."

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