IT is of great interest that Blackburn with Darwen Social Services and our NHS Primary Care Trust are to develop an Independent Living Service in this area (LET, May 8).

I understand that this has to be developed over the next two years and I am sure that it will be seen as good news.

I have been admitted and treated in two different health authorities in the last couple of years and while it was necessary at the time, all I wanted was to be enabled to go home.

In principle, having our own Independent Living Service should free up the very much-needed hospital beds. However, the major factor for its success is having the funds available to meet the assessed needs of the patients requiring aids, adaptations and other equipment.

I was very fortunate to be able to return home after assessment at Blackburn Infirmary as the equipment required was minimal and available. I look forward to Blackburn with Darwen being successful with this project, as it will also help people living at home who suffer difficulties and need a timely and responsive service.

MARI THOMPSON (Mrs), Thorn Hill Close, Chester Park, Blackburn.