A NATIONAL paper's expose of EU civil servant's subversive and deceitful action in anonymously posting abusive posting abusive letters to our discussion forum at www.independence.org.uk came as no surprise to our members and supporters in the North West (Telegraph, April 3).

It has been obvious for some time that juvenile verbal abuse is the only weapon left in the Europhile armoury.

I wonder, have the 23,000 civil servants employed by the EU (and paid for by the British taxpayer) exhibited their literary genius throughout the whole of the EU?

EU-scepticism is not exclusively a British phenomenon.

It is alive and flourishing in all member states and rife in many applicant countries.

Subversion and deceit feature strongly in the present local debate about the need for an elected North West Regional Assembly.

For people to understand the significance of Regionalisation (now known as devolution) we have to turn to our old friend the Maastricht Treaty 1992 (Arts 198a) and the formulation of the ' committee of regions.' Scotland and Wales are not self-governing at all but regions of the EU.

Regional Assemblies will be the regional seats of Government, directly answerable to Brussels and bypassing Westminster.

The present day unelected North West Regional Assembly already supports a regional office in Brussels: Avenue de Tervuren 78, 1040 Brussels.

The North West will become known as UK 10.

If the good people of the North West understand and agree to eventual direct rule from Brussels that is fine, but they must be told the truth!

The disingenuous public remark made by the Liberal Democrat MEP Chris Davies at a poorly attended meeting to promote an elected North West Regional Assembly should be treated with the contempt it deserves.

He said: "It is essential that we lay claim to a separate identity because we are dominated by snooty southerners."

A not too subtle attempt to exploit a North/South divide while his true aim is to promote the will of the EU.

If the British people do not wish to be a set of numbers on the map of a European Federal State and governed by Federalist European Government they should stand up and say so now.

The Queen's Golden Jubilee year would be the perfect time to start, wouldn't it?

Val Cowell

NW Press Officer

The UK Independence Party