WESTLEIGH High is there for the community as the popularity of the school's adult education courses testify.

Under the leadership of school development manager Mrs Pat Morgan the number of people on courses has exploded with figures boosted from 28 per year to more than 600 per week.

During Adult Learners Week a large number of night courses, including Free Internet Classes, Yoga, French for fun, Joinery and Steel Pan Drums were highlighted.

Westleigh head John Pout says: "We would like Westleigh High School to become a thriving centre for all the community to use. The adult education opportunities at the school are fabulous and are very different to 'being back at school'.

"It seems pointless to me for the excellent facilities to be shut up when students go home. Westleigh High School belongs to the community and I want the community to use the facilities to the maximum."