IT is disgusting and disturbing that fascists have been 'elected' on to Burnley Council committees. I would ask the council why and by whom were they elected.

The suggestion by council leader Stuart Caddy that we have to listen to 10,000 deprived sympathisers to the fascist cause is ridiculous. The election of fascists in Cliviger and Worsthorne proves that this catastrophe in Burnley is less to do with deprivation than with the symptoms of a pan-European trend of right-wing fascism gaining momentum.

We should not be seen to be giving in to them just because they have managed to deceive a section of the community. Rather, it should be made clear to Councillor Caddy that he and the rest of the council have two choices: they are either with them, the fascist segregationist extremists, or with us, the decent, law-abiding and morally conscious people of Burnley.

So, yes, let us unite, as the Mayor says, and show the rest among us that change cannot be effected through the means of electing fascists -- that we will not show the fascists any recognition.

AL-AMIN, Gordon Street, Burnley.