FIVE thousand balloons were being released in Blackpool on Thursday (May 30) in a burst of publicity for childcare.

Blackpool Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership is trying to float home the message "I wouldn't be where I am today without childcare" to raise awareness of the importance of childcare to working families in the area.

Early Years consultant Sarah Lambert said: "The 5,000 balloons represent the number of childcare places currently available across Blackpool for children between the ages of 0-14 years.

"We hope that this spectacle will be seen by everyone within the Borough and it will highlight the number of parents for whom the availability of childcare is vital."

Blackpool Mayor Ivan Taylor was releasing 500 balloons from Central Promenade but the majority of balloons were being released at private day nurseries, pre-school playgroups, primary and independent schools.