I ALWAYS enjoy the letters submitted by Derek Sandford (Traders are wrong to condemn new market, May 16). His attempts to promote the actions of this Labour council are always amusing.

His latest enthusiasm is for the "marketmuseum" (a word not in any of my dictionaries). He tells us that doubters have overlooked such successes as the Lowry Centre and the Trafford Centre.

Well, though Mr Sandford seems to be merely echoing the words of Tony Trehy, the town's arts officer, I fear that they are both overlooking such obvious white elephants that Labour has built, both nationally and locally.

The Greenwich Dome used up millions of pounds that could have been spent on better public facilities. Locally, one Radcliffe Labour councillor described our bandstand (or community canopy) as a folly. Who builds follies? Foolish people, of course. And who could forget the much unloved nails on Ainsworth Road?

Sorry chaps, but the museum is going to be a disaster.