HOW many thousands of Lancastrians will be appalled by the County Council's policy on the red rose 'logo' which we have known and identified with for countless years being changed, without proper consultation of the "politburo's" constituents? (LET, June 5).

County Council homes for the elderly are under threat of closure, the county's roads are in an atrocious state of disrepair, and "they" have voted themselves a very substantial increase in both pay and allowances!

"They," the controlling elite, would much rather disenfranchise the populace of Lancashire, in preparation for the eventual break-up of not just Lancashire, but England as a whole.

Readers need to ask if the 'politburo' (Council Cabinet) are exceeding their powers.

The red rose, has, for hundreds of years symbolised Lancashire. Has your local county councillor approached you with the idea of changing the red rose logo for Lancashire? Very doubtful, unless you went to one of 'their' behind-closed-doors meetings.

Please give your county councillor (should you know who it is) some earache on the subject.

H ROBINSON (Mr), Juniper Court, Woodside Road, Accrington.