PENDLE Council has decided to seek financial assistance to recommission the paddling pool in Sough Park, Colne, despite advice from officers to consider closing it down.

The West Craven Committee resolved to put a temporary fence around the pool to comply with safety regulations while they explored every other possibility to acquire funding.

They will also consider other possible uses for the pool and one suggestion was for a model boating lake.

The pool has been out of use since summer 2000 because it does not comply with current health and safety regulations or Environmental Agency regulations.

An estimated cost of bringing it up to standard would be £75,000 with £17, 752 for annual revenue costs compared to £8,750 to decommision it.

Colin Patten, services manager for parks, cemeteries and outdoor recreation, said it would be difficult to find justification to spend such a large amount of money on the pool and advised it should be closed.