A TODDLER group which also benefits parents has been launched in Radcliffe.

Bridge Builders is a community venture which educates and trains mums and dads in parenting skills while volunteers look after the children.

So while the toddlers are playing with Lego, mums and dads are having professionally-led taster sessions and workshops in such subjects as first aid, cookery and DIY.

It also aims to provide support and friendship for parents and form links with other related organisations like Life Long Learning.

The group, which caters for pre-school youngsters, meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during term times between 1pm and 3pm at Bridge Methodist Church on Milltown Street.

Monday's launch, which was presided over by the Mayor and Mayoress of Bury, Coun John Smith and his wife, Stella, boasted a bouncy castle, face painting and craft activities.

To find out more about Bridge Builders call Bev on 723 0484 or Karen on 766 8521.