A FEW weeks ago, I wrote to Councillor Dave Smith, voicing concerns over our so-called shopping centre in Darwen, in particular Bridge Street, where a quarter of the shops, for various reasons have closed and others were finding it difficult to keep going. Although Coun Smith was sympathetic, he was at a loss as to what the council could do to help.

But then I read (LET, June 13) that French stall holders would be allowed to run a market of up to 20 stalls in newly-refurbished Church Street in Blackburn -- free of charge.

Graham Burgess, executive director for regeneration stated that goods on sale would include fresh bread, croissants, olive oil, soaps, pat, salamis and so on. I, in my tinpot way, thought that all these goods could be bought very easily at any number of places such as Sainsbury's, Somerfield, or Morrisons.

Not only will the money earned by these stall holders be going out of the borough, it will be going out of the country. The thing that sticks in my craw more than anything is the fact that we all, in different ways, have paid for the regeneration of Church Street, and our council is giving it away to the French.

In the issue there was the story of council leader Bill Taylor complaining about soaps, and in particular the way Curly Watts of Coronation Street behaved, and the story-lines that he played. Bill went on to say that he should act more like a proper councillor.

I think if Granada got hold of this story where taxpayers pay millions out on regeneration in a town then allow French to take over prime sites in front of our own townspeople, they would probably dismiss it was being unrealistic.

As for Curly not acting as a proper councillor, I just wish that some of our councillors had the bottle to do the same as he did when he thought he was in the right, especially councillors who represent Darwen.

ROY DAVIES, Olive Lane, Darwen.