THE only country that has weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East is Israel.

This is why it is ignoring all calls by the UN to enforce their resolution. Iraq is the next target because it is developing weapons of mass destruction. I believe it should for the security of its country and the region.

Currently because the American weapons depot Israel calls the shots because no-country can withstand the Israeli might, but if Iraq or Iran were to develop Nuclear weapons than other countries would stand up and take notice. I believe the Palistinean issue will be resolved and the American and the British will pull their troops out of the Middle East. The only reason they want to attack Iraq and maybe Iran is to stop them from becoming Nuclear countries and to keep Israeli supremacy in the area.

I believe the Americans can win the war on terrorism by just simply ending the occupation of Israel in Palistine and by removing their troops from the Middle East. They will reverse some of the bad blood created by the support they give Israel. This will eliminate terrorism, it is better than destroying beautiful landscapes and killing innocent people.

Mr Mir

New Hall Lane
