IN support of the letter from Norma E. Wilson (June 6), I would agree that the situation concerning India and Pakistan has been very serious.

The conflict over the disputed territory of Kashmir has been edging ever closer to nuclear war, which could result in the deaths of 12 million people. That, together with the risk of radioactive fallout being carried around the globe, is a catastrophe which doesn't bear thinking about.

What is even more tragic is that President Musharraf and Prime Minister Vajpayee are apparently not talking to each other so there will be no resolution.

Tony Blair's intervention isn't helpful either, when he has sold Hawk fighter Jets to India. Is he more interested in securing profits for British arms manufacturers than resolving this dispute?

As usual the voice of sanity will have to come from ordinary men and women if this potential holocaust is to be averted. Please write to the Indian and Pakistan embassies in London and also log on to


Peveril Close,
