FIVE members of staff at the Calderstones medium secure unit have been suspended for more than two months over claims about their conduct towards a patient.

The staff, who have been suspended on full pay, are all nurses working on the Whalley hospital's Woodlands service, which deals with patients who have "challenging behaviour."

Union bosses today expressed concern over the extra pressures on the serving staff on Woodlands and said it was in daily contact with the suspended members.

Police were involved after an initial complaint was made by a member of staff who no longer works at the hospital.

Detective Sergeant Lisa Pilkington of Clitheroe Police said their investigation had been concluded and no further action would be taken.

She added: "It is now an internal matter for Calderstones."

The hospital also caters for patients who have been admitted through the courts and are cared for at secure units elsewhere on the site.

Staffing levels on Woodlands are currently down by 11 per cent with 16 of the 131 available vacancies unfilled on top of the five suspensions.

Calderstones NHS Trust chief executive Russ Pearce said the nurses were suspended in keeping with the trust's procedures.

Inquiries are continuing and a further meeting about the case was held yesterday, although Mr Pearce would not reveal details of what was discussed.

Mr Pearce said: "The complaint was made by a previous employee over allegations of the treatment of clients under their care.

"The suspension of staff is a neutral act until investigations are complete.

"Of course it gives us difficulties when we have to so something like this, and adds pressure to the serving staff. We hope to resolve the matter as soon as possible."

Bill McMillan, head of health with UNISON, said: "The local branch secretary is in regular contact with the members.

"It has been a long time for them with this hanging over their heads but such procedures are in place to make sure everyone has a fair hearing.

"An extra five people down puts extra pressure on the rest of the staff and affects the quality of the care being provided."