I READ in the letter pages the long and rambling diatribe from the pen of Cllr Peter Robinson, re the management of Happy Mount Park.

As with the correspondence from most of his group, he has nothing but negative comments to make.

Has he not visited the park recently, and seen the enjoyment that the facilities are brining to both adults and children? Has he not seen the great strides being made by the current administration in restoring the park to its former glory? I recommend that he should, for this is the other side of the coin, a positive achievement!

Apparently he, along with his fellow Labour councillors, prefer to sit on the fence and disparage the efforts of other, who, unlike his group, have taken up their places in the cabinet.

This cabinet system of local government was, after all, imposed by his masters at Westminster, and still has places allocated to the Labour group under PR, which they steadfastly refuse to occupy.

By their fence sitting they are not taking the opportunity to influence the decisions taken in cabinet, which they then choose to criticise in your columns.

The voters who elected them surely expected their ward councillors to represent them properly by taking their place at the heart of our local government.

Could it be that Cllr Robinson, and the rest of his group, remember the heat from their time in the previous administration, which they controlled, and now find the cool of the fence more to their liking?

Certainly the rest of us remember the foul-ups that they were responsible for, the cost of which we are all still burdened with.

TM Johnston

Halton Road
