TRICYCLES, bicycles and unicycles - just about every conceivable type of bike - were on show for the first ever Wheelie Big Bazaar at the weekend.

This cycling showcase was the final event of this year's National Bike Week celebrations.

Following a Summer Solstice Cycle Ride on Friday night, when families and friends cycled from Lancaster to Morecambe to watch the sun set, bike fans were out again at Salt Ayre on Sunday where Lancaster City Council was hosting its first Wheelie Big Bike Bazaar.

Biking, safety and fitness were the three key themes for the day.

The biking was covered with displays from Lancaster Racing Club, the Lancaster Bog Trotters, Kepplewray hand cycles, police bikes, Dynamo and battery powered bikes courtesy of cycle shop, Oggy's.

The police and their post coding facilities promoted bike safety alongside the Lancaster District Accident Prevention Partnership who hosted a tricky obstacle course to reinforce the message that safety is paramount.

Finally, fitness was promoted with Salt Ayre testing people's abilities on one of their hi-tech training bikes.

Commenting on the event, one organiser said: "Locally, National Bike Week has gone down a storm.

It was great to see so many people at the bike bazaar, everyone from professional racing cyclists to young children on tricycles.

It really emphasises just what a popular activity

this is.

I'd like to thank everyone who made the event such a success."