A TEENAGE girl from Nelson has died after plunging 30ft from a theme park ride after the safety bar in her carriage is believed to have opened.

The 16-year-old Down's syndrome sufferer from Nelson fell from a ferris wheel at the Gulliver's World park in Warrington, Cheshire.

Her mother was in a carriage next to her and watched her daughter fall to the ground.

The youngster was in an organised trip which included members of her family.

She was taken to the intensive care unit of Warrington District General Hospital where she was treated for head injuries but later died.

A joint investigation between Warrington Police and the Health and Safety Executive has been launched.

The teenager is believed to have fallen out of the carriage when the safety bar came away, police said.

Her mother had to wait several minutes for the wheel to go round before she was able to leave the ride after witnessing the tragedy.

A spokesman for the Health and Safety Executive said: "Inspectors visited the site on Sunday morning and have taken enforcement action which has resulted in the ride being out of service until a full investigation has taken place."

The carriage and the safety bar have been taken away for forensic examination.

Inspector Paul Barker from Warrington Police said: "We are working closely with the Health and Safety Executive to find out how this incident could have happened.

"We know at this stage that the girl was in a two-seater carriage on her own but that is all we know at this point."

Gulliver's World said it was co-operating fully with police and safety experts following the incident on Saturday at 4.30pm.

A spokesman said: "At the present there is nothing more we can add apart from the fact that the appropriate authorities with our full co-operation are investigating this incident.

"We do fully appreciate what a difficult time this must be for the family and friends involved and our thoughts are very much with them at this time."