A FATHER-OF-TWO who raided two of his neighbours' homes, is starting a 21 month jail term.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Derek McCammon, 33, helped himself to property from a little boy's bedroom -- and a judge told him his neighbours were entitled to expect more of him.

Judge Raymond Bennett said he had been told people who sold stolen goods got 10 per cent of their value and while McCammon would not have got much for the child's possessions, they were dear to the little boy.

The judge added the public expected house breakers to go to prison. The defendant, then living at Spring Street, Rishton, had admitted two counts of burglary at properties on the same street.

Mark Lamberty, prosecuting, said last November, police saw McCammon emerging from the panel of a door into a back yard. He had with him a red rucksack containing electrical tools.

McCammon was bailed and the day after struck at another house on the street. A 12-year-old boy rang his mother to say they had been burgled and she returned home to find the back kitchen window open.

The boy's bedroom had been searched and a haul, to the tune of more than £2,600 had been stolen.

Mr Lamberty said the defendant, who may have offended with a group of youngsters, was later arrested at his home and about £1,000 worth of property was recovered. Charles Brown, defending, said McCammon was not a man with a history of house burglary.