ALCOHOLIC Alexander Patrick McGhee was found dead in squalid conditions in his Darwen flat, an inquest heard.

But the hearing was told that despite his chronic alcoholism tests taken as part of the post-mortem examination showed there was no alcohol in his blood at the time of death.

And a Home Office pathologist said that he could not establish a specific cause of death although he believed it was related to alcohol.

The inquest heard that Mr McGhee, 41, was found in his flat in Ellenshaw Close by his brother, William.

Acting police sergeant Chris Johnson described them as the worst conditions he had seen in his six years of service.

Sergeant Johnson said Mr McGhee was extremely thin and his clothing was dirty and soiled. He said Mr McGhee's socks had almost formed part of his body.

Sergeant Johnson said that when he was at the flat he spoke to a man called Paul Sirvinskas who was extremely drunk. He claimed to lodge at the flat and said he had left earlier in the day to collect provisions. Sergeant Johnson said that despite several attempts he had been unable to take a meaningful statement from Mr Sirvinskas because of his drinking habits.

Mr McGhee, who had lived in Haslingden October , had three sisters and one brother. His eldest sister, Margaret Holt, said he had started drinking shortly after their father's death 13 years ago.

Coroner Michael Singleton recorded a verdict that the cause of death was unascertained.