REGARDING your report "Speed Fines Fury" (LET, July 11), having come from Suffolk to see my family in Blackburn, I am completely disgusted with the way Lancashire police are treating motorists.

Where I live, we constantly see more accidents caused by stupid children whose parents who don't care about what they are doing.

Everyone should abide by the law, but there is a massive gap between education of motorists and pedestrians. The government may not have yet appreciated that motorists are also pedestrians -- but not all pedestrians are motorists. It is more convenient to 'catch a motorist' and get their money from fines.

When I have come back to Lancashire, I am glad I left. The police are giving out wrong messages to the taxpayer and I am not surprised that confidence in proper law enforcement is lacking.

It is up to the police and other associates to think again before many more thousands of people say "we'll not help them any more."

Zero tolerance is a no-go for motorists. Cautions should be given instead, just like those given to first-time offenders. There are far more serious issues which the police should address and rectify.

SANDRA SMITH, Riverside, Suffolk.