AN enterprise park in Rossendale has been awarded nearly £1million of European cash.

Rossendale Council has cleared the site off Newchurch Road, part of which used to contain Gaskell's mill, and the area has been named Stubbylee Enterprise Park.

At Monday's development and environmental services committee director John Cowpe will report on progress made on the site and the receipt of a grant offer of £985,000 from the European Regional Development Fund to provide a building which will offer small businesses work space on the site.

Stubbylee Enterprise Park has been reclaimed thanks to a substantial grant from the North West Development Agency (NWDA) and Mr Cowpe said: "It is a key element of the Bacup/ Stacksteads SRB programme and is intended to serve as the area's premier employment development site over the medium term."

Councillors will be asked to grant Mr Cowpe authority to continue to explore in more detailed options for progress with other agencies including NWDA, Trevor Dawson and Co who are currently marketing the site, Rossendale Partnerships and Kingfisher Consultants.