WHILE many people would have been inconvenienced by the strike of council employees (now called off), perhaps we can see why they felt that direct action was necessary.

Council leader Roy Fisher said he had sympathy with the council employees but there just wasn't any money in the council's coffers to pay any more than the 3% they were offered.

I don't doubt that -- due to the fact that he and his fellow councillors got there first!

In the last three months councillors across the country have received allowance rises of a staggering 194% AND their expenses have increased by a massive 67% (source -- House of Commons' own statistics).

I'm not surprised there's no money left Councillor Fisher. Councillors should be ashamed of themselves.

So much for the spin Labour had promised to put a stop to and the fat cat increases for the bosses.

I do, however, commend councillors in Blyth Valley. They have put councillors all over the country to shame by rejecting their own rise.

If wage increases for councillors were linked to employees increases I bet Councillor Fisher would find more than 3% in the council's coffers then.

How about it then? Lead by example? What about the example set by Blyth Valley Councillors?

A Edwards, Blackpool 1st Alliance, Blackpool.