IT WAS an emotional Darwen Gala for one pensioner who finally made it up to Darwen tower for the first time in 50 years.

Connie Chadwick, 69, made it up the stony path to the treasured landmark with a little help from a motorised companion.

She had not managed the trip up to the tower for fifty years due to ill health. And two knee replacement operations in the last two years meant she has only been able to keep her memory of the tower alive by looking at photographs and a plastic replica in her home.

Red Rose Land Rover club, however offered to take elderly or disabled people up to Darwen Tower as part of Darwen Gala day celebrations.

And the lucky pensioner managed to see all the way to the coast thanks to a stunning clear summer's day.

Connie, of Ashton Road in Darwen, said the trip up memory lane with her son Mark was "tremendous".

She said: "The first time I remember going up there was 50 years ago so now I just rely on pictures to remind me. But so much had changed, I am just so glad I got to go up.

"I absolutely love the tower and it meant everything to be able to go up there once more. I doubt I will make it up again so I was just so lucky that the views were magnificent."

The Land Rover club made trips up to the tower throughout the day and said they were a "huge success".