SUE Stickson (Letters, August 10) sneers at Richard Cowen's earlier comment that the Devil is a myth invented by the Christian church.

She obviously believes in the existence of this entity herself, as she suggests Mr Cowen debates the matter further with the 'few billion' world believers by including those of other faiths and peoples. However, this does not prove the Devil exists.

For over 2,000 years, generations have been conditioned into believing in the existence of the Devil, along with several other beliefs, none of which stand up to intelligent and educated examination.

The church's version of the Devil, says that he was originally Lucifer, the brightest and highest angel in heaven who defied God and so was banished from heaven and ever since, has spent his time tempting people into sin.

Sue Stickson's time might be better spent trying to discover why an omnipotent God, who created the entire universe and everything else, including Lucifer, has not the power to remove this Devil and make the world a better place.

ALBERT J MORRIS, Clement View, Nelson.