Like a lot of other people in the area we have had trouble with lads and ladettes for the last three years.

We have had the police, MPs, councillors and the deputy housing manager round to the house. We've explained what has been going on and for a while things quietened down.

A month ago we got a letter from the council to say because things have been quiet for some time they would close the file.

I don't know if they sent letters to the people causing the trouble but the night after we got the letter the trouble started again.

They are targeting my wife and I and our eldest daughter who lives in Maple Avenue.

If we phone the police when things are actually happening by the time they arrive the miscreants have moved on. Either that or they don't come at all.

We have approached the parents of two main contenders and one of them gave me the two fingered salute.

My daughter complained about an incident when one of their boys hit hers. The father called the lad to him and asked, "did you do that?". The lad announced, "yes I did" and was patted on the head and told, "good lad".

What chance has anyone got when up against odds like this? I could write a book on what goes on but I wouldn't.

J McDonough,

Beech Avenue,
