I READ with anger and disgust the article in the Telegraph regarding the street drinkers in Blackburn town centre.

It seems to me that the solution to this problem is staring Blackburn with Darwen Council in the face, but they haven't seen it yet.

I have worked since I was 16 (I am now 40 years old) almost without any interruptions: i.e. redundancies etc.

I found that when I was unfortunate enough to find myself out of work the Benefits Agency bent over backwards to help me back to work.

But also pointed out that if I did not actually seek employment and show proof of this my benefits could be stopped.

The statement in the paper from one of the gang that they are in town centre from 9am until they are drunk left me wondering how they are getting away with taking their unearned (benefits agency?) money provided by us the tax payers, when they put nothing back into the system.

Is it not time to stop their anti-social behaviour by stopping money going to them?

They also make the comment that they are not shoplifting or bothering anyone. Well, they maybe not shoplifting but every fortnight they put their hands in all our pockets and that bothers me.

DAVID WARD, Kingsley Close, Church, Accrington.