RESIDENTS and shoppers in Hyndburn will be able to find out exactly what is happening in Accrington in the annual town centre walk next month.

Works have been in progress for several months in a number of town centre regeneration developments and the fourth annual outing will give everyone the opportunity to get a full update.

The tour will begin at 4pm on Thursday, September 5, from the town hall and is expected to take in 20 different sites around the town, including the new cinema and bowl complex and the market development.

The walk will be attended by councillors, partners from the town centre assembly and any members of the public who wish to go.

Bill Huntley, town centre manager, said: "The purpose of the walk is to provide a snapshot of Accrington town centre at a particular time.

"The impact of regeneration projects, transport, cleansing and a host of other issues will be picked up, successes noted and weaknesses or areas for improvement identified for consideration and future action."