A HYNDBURN councillor has called for new technology used for a major town development to be utilised in local road safety schemes.

Coun Tim O'Kane cabinet portfolio holder for environment and cleansing, has suggested technology used to simulate hypothetical traffic flow for town centre developments be used before other road changes are made.

Hyndburn Borough Council's cabinet has recommended that four new schemes, funded by the Lancashire County Council Local Safety Scheme programme, be put forward for public consultation.

One relates to Milnshaw Lane where there are three options available to reduce accidents and improve pedestrian facilities.

Coun O'Kane suggested that equipment being used to predict traffic flow as a result of Accrington's new market development, be utilised to demonstrate the outcome for each of the possibilities.

The device produces a computer simulation of the likely effects if specific actions were taken and presents views of traffic flow from an aerial point as well as from a car driver's view.

Coun O'Kane said: "We have recently acquired a sophisticated tool which should be used. This equipment can work out pedestrian and traffic flows which can be looked at through computer simulation showing traffic of all descriptions going through a junction.

"Having a visual aid would help people make the correct decision before work is carried out."