REGARDING your report (LET, August 2), about care homes closures, the Lancashire Care Homes Action Group are quite right to ask for resignations from Lancashire County Council in view of this ongoing fiasco's effect on both residents and their carers.

Unfortunately, Hazel Harding as leader may have to pay the price for her support for her colleague Councillor Cheetham, the apparent architect of this disgraceful action.

The problem is that in her enthusiasm to carry out a damage limitation exercise after Coun Cheetham's faux-pas, she dug an even deeper hole for herself by her pretence that this action was forced on the county council by the government's insistence that immediate action needed to be taken to meet a £14 million shortfall.

The truth, of course, is that this figure is a gross exaggeration, and the "immediacy" was a complete nonsense. This, coupled with an untimely announcement that she and her colleagues were about to vote for a massive increase in salaries for themselves, ensured that no longer will those affected believe anything else they say on the subject.

MR H HORNE, Brunshaw Road, Burnley.