A FATHER-OF-TWO sent his estranged wife "menacing " messages threatening to kill her and abusing her.

Burnley Magistrates heard how James Greenwood, 48, bombarded wife Anne with upsetting e-mails and text messages.

Mrs Greenwood became depressed and on one occasion was so distressed she had a panic attack and had to be admitted to hospital.

Greenwood, of Newman Street, Burnley, was bailed until September 30, for a pre-sentence report, after admitting harassment between July 15 and August 30.

He was told not to communicate with Mrs Greenwood or go within 200 metres of Barden Lane, Burnley.

Joanne Shahzada, prosecuting, said the Greenwoods were married for 18 years, had two children, but had been separated for seven months.

Their marriage had started to break down about 18 months ago and Greenwood moved out.

Since then, the defendant had bombarded his estranged wife with upsetting e mails. One said he would "do life" for her and would kill her and he also called her abusive names.

In one particularly distressing e mail, Greenwood asked his estranged wife if she missed her father and said he did not miss her. Mrs Greenwood's father died four years ago.

Miss Shahzada said another e mail read;"Major house fire in Burnley this weekend. One woman dead. Ha ha ha."

Some messages would just say "bang" and sometimes the defendant would be in the field across the road from Mrs Greenwood's house watching her. Mrs Greenwood now kept her curtains shut because of her husband's behaviour and felt he was trying to control her life.

The prosecutor told the court Mrs Greenwood was the carer for the couple's epileptic daughter, was at home all day and the computer was her means of contact with the outside world.

Mrs Greenwood found two upsetting text messages when she returned from holiday, one saying she did not need to sell the house as she was going to her dad and God.

Miss Shahzada said Mrs Greenwood had now been diagnosed as suffering from depression and had been prescribed medication. On one occasion, she had had to be admitted to hospital because she couldn't breathe and felt her head was going to burst.

The defendant told the police he sent the menacing e mails because he was getting wound up and knew they would upset his wife. Greenwood had no previous. convictions.

Dermot Woodhead, defending, said Greenwood accepted his conduct fell way below the required standard.