BURY North MP David Chaytor has been given an insight into the dedication and devotion of the borough's young, unsung heroes.

He attended a special one-day young lifesaver award course run by Bury Young Carers, an initiative launched by Bury Carers Partnership. There are around 100 young carers throughout the borough who are provided with assistance through the initiative.

Services and activities which have benefited the youngsters, aged up to 18, have included an art class run by Lifelong Learning and training in lifesaving and food, eating and food preparation.

The latest project was part one of the young lifesaver award, conducted by two representatives from St John Ambulance. The training teaches youngsters about breathing and the recovery position.

Claire Clayton, youth carers officer, said: "Young carers is our project which we've supported since I've been in post. At any one time, we deal with between 30 and 40. The youngest is seven and the oldest is 14.

"Some of them look after a parent or sibling and, in some cases, both. Some of them are primary carers for that person, especially in a one-parent family situation. And in other cases, the young person might be a secondary carer."

The scheme, run by Bury Carers Partnership, offers key support to young people, based on their individual needs, and assessments are carried out as part of the process.

David Chaytor visited the organisation's base in Hornby Street, Bury, to meet the young carers and to view their lifesaving training.

Claire added: "He thought we were doing a wonderful thing. I think he was unaware of the young carers and was pleased to know that our organisation existed."

Bury Young Carers offers support to young carers up to the age of 18. Any youngster who would like to benefit from the service should ring either (0161) 253 6902 or 6903.