THE husband of a pensioner stranded in America after being diagnosed with cancer is still receiving medical bills for his wife's treatment.

Peter Morley faces crippling charges of more than £130,000 from the Florida hospital which cared for his wife Phoebe after she was diagnosed with cancer of the kidney and bowel while on a family holiday.

The 76-year-old was eventually brought back by air ambulance costing £20,000, the bulk of which was paid for by Prince Aziz of Brunei.

The holiday insurance company refused to pay for the flight or her treatment after Mrs Morley, of Bolton Road, Ewood, failed to declare she had had previous medical treatment.

Mrs Morley had been diagnosed with gallstones at Blackburn Royal Infirmary before she left. She was admitted to BRI on her return to England but died last month.

Hubby Peter, admitted to hospital himself just before his wife died, is now being pursued for the medical bills by the American hospital. And they keep on increasing.

Daughter Susan Wilson said he had just received another bill of $5,000 (about £3,200) from the surgeon who operated on her mum.

Susan, of Pendle Drive, Blackburn, said: "It has been one thing after another right. All this is making my dad ill. He's not really grieved for mum because of all the stress with the bills. They are mounting up all the time."

Susan is putting on a charity night to help towards the costs and has already taken to selling off the family's possessions. She has had to sell her estate car and is trying to sell her dad's caravan.

Susan said: "We have not even been able to buy mum a headstone. We need to sort out these bills first."

Susan is also appealing for donations towards a raffle and auction at the Stop and Rest pub, in Brandy House Brow on Saturday September 28.

Items already donated include a computer and a signed football from Blackburn Rovers. Anyone who wishes to give to the auction should ring the pub on 01254 605717.