DO you want to know how to waste two weeks of your life? Become a director of the UniBond League.

After spending a lot of time going to meetings involving the restructuring of the non-league pyramid system, travelling all over the country attending meetings, the FA have come up with nothing -- absolutely sweet FA!

The national non-league structure will be left as it is now.

The appointment of Greg Fee as overseer of the changes and spending thousands of pounds on meetings, seminars, surveys and questionnaires was a complete waste of money, and I feel I have wasted 14 days of my life.

The Football Association is run by a lot of good people who have been involved in football all their lives, but they have got to realise that to make progress there must be change.

A lot of the gentlemen at the FA have been referees and will be used to disciplinary matters after attending meetings involving their local FAs.

But do they know a lot about football?

Now a lot of people would say 'no', but we have to appreciate that without these gentlemen we'd have no-one to disagree with.

After encountering problems last season, I have decided that this season I will respect all decisions made by the referee.

Hopefully, this year I can stay on the right side of the Lancashire FA.

Last season, after the FA Cup defeat at Emley, I did have one or two 'quiet' words with the ref in the bar.

Unfortunately he reported me, I was fined £200 and stripped of the privileges of a director for four home matches.

I was banned from the boardroom and directors area and had to pay on the turnstiles to watch the match, which I thought was ridiculous.

I am sure that I will have more to write about my favourite men in football in a later column.

In the meantime, though, let's get back to talking about my favourite subject - Accrington Stanley.

Top of the league, seven wins out of seven, and people flocking down to the Crown Ground in their hundreds - this is what being a football fan is all about.

Last week's 'gate' of 1,032 for our game against Vauxhall was our biggest midweek attendance since the club was reformed.

And, touch wood, there could be even more on for our home game against Barrow tomorrow night.

We at Stanley realise the importance of our fans, especially the younger ones who represent the whole future of this club.

That's why we've recently introduced a 'kid for a quid' policy whereby all Under 12s can come and watch our home matches for just £1 each.

And even better than that, if they fancy a season ticket then it will only cost them a tenner.

To put it simply, twenty kids can watch Stanley all season for the price of a quiet word with a referee!

So I'd encourage anyone at a loose end tomorrow to come down and give us a try.

You never know, you might just get hooked - like me.