SHOPWORKERS are to spearhead a campaign to kick out two of Burnley's British National Party councillors.

Bill Connor, general secretary of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers, told the TUC in Blackpool: "Our message is clear -- unite to stop the BNP.

"We don't want their councillors in Burnley town hall."

But Simon Bennett, East Lancashire spokesman for the BNP, said: "Usdaw should be fighting to safeguard its members' jobs and not trying to interfere with the democratic process here."

Two of Burnley's three BNP councillors, Carol Hughes and Terry Grogan, will face the electorate again at next year's town hall elections.

Mr Connor told union colleagues at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool: "Wherever the far right stands, we'll be there to expose their lies and poisonous messages which are deliberately aimed at causing tension in local towns and villages."

He called on trade unionists, community groups and anti-racist organisations in East Lancashire to unite behind the Coalition Against Racism's campaign to defeat the BNP in Burnley.

And he added: "We will work with the Asian and black communities who have to bear the brunt of the BNP's fascist lies. When ordinary, decent people work together we will always defeat the BNP -- just as we did in Oldham in May

"We are determined to get the two of them out next year and the third will soon follow."

Mr Bennett said: "Many of Mr Connor's members in USDAW probably voted for the BNP in Burnley last May.

"Outsiders shouldn't get involved in our elections. They should let the people of Burnley decide.

"Usdaw should be fighting to safeguard its members' jobs and not trying to interfere with the democratic process here."