THE Parish Council has sent the following resolution to the Annual General Meeting of the Lancashire Association of Parish and Town Councils: "That the Worsthorne-with-Hurstwood Parish Council request the LAPTC Executive and the National Association of Local Councils to lobby central government regarding wind generators on industrial estates and brown field sites as a first priority before using moorland and upland areas. We wish to preserve the visual amenity and the wild environment for the recreation of future generations."

A WATER stop tap outside 129 and 131 Brownside Road has disappeared during the resurfacing. United Utilities have been contacted.

PARISH Councillor Mavis Hitchen has reported that the Fido bin has disappeared from Swain Lane. The Borough Council will be asked to replace the bin but position it further up the lane.

THIRTY Six children from year six at Worsthorne School enjoyed a week away from home at Low Mill, Askrigg -- a residential holiday centre. Three members of staff and 36 children participated in outdoor activities such as abseiling, raft making and rock climbing. All the activities are designed to build confidence, team spirit and problem solving abilities.

UNITED Utilities have been informed that Swain Lane is very dangerous due to poor repair. The company has also been asked to repair the road between Gorple Road and the new Allotment Road.

THE Mother's Union will meet on Tuesday, September 17, in the Church Rooms when their guest speaker, Sheila Sturrock, will give a talk on "Corn Dollies".

WORSTHORNE Parents Teachers Association are holding a "Quiz Nite" in the school on Friday, September 20, commencing at 8pm. The cost is £1. Bring your own food and drink.

REHEARSALS for the St John's Christmas Concert will commence on Wednesday , September 25, at 7.30pm in the Church and continue each Wednesday until the concert weekend December 6 and 7. Interested? For more information contact Philip Mitchell on 01282 421139 or Derek Bell on 01282 424955.