POLICE today stepped up patrols in a cemetery after vandals desecrated a child's grave for the second time in three weeks.

Officers investigating the latest attack at Colne Cemetery, in Keighley Road, have been left sickened after the headstone was daubed with the words "eat" in marker pen and "dirt" in mud.

Nearby graves were then plundered for flowers and wooden crucifixes removed. The family of the child, six-year-old Cherie Hardy, were too upset to speak about the incident today but have told police they know no reason why the grave has been targeted. Less than three weeks ago, the family were devastated when police told them the child's grave had been attacked.

PS Vicki Haworth of Colne police said: "It is hard to believe that someone would do this to a child's grave but to discover that it has been targeted twice has been heartbreaking for the family."

She said police were so concerned about the attacks that they were to increase patrols in the area. Police officers are also are liaising with community wardens in Colne in a bid to try to improve security at the cemetery.

PS Haworth added: "We would urge anyone who has seen anything or has been present when this has happened to contact us immediately. We are keen to catch whoever is responsible as quickly as possible because of the despicable nature of the crime."

Head park ranger,Allan Hammett has also been disgusted by the vandalism. He said: "Whatever you say about these people it is an understatement.

"They are morons. I have seen lots of vandalism, but this goes beyond reason."

Colne Police can be contacted on 01282 472420 or phone the confidential Crimestoppers hotline with information on 0800 555 111.