AN Oswaldtwistle teenager is celebrating after qualifying for the prestigious Horse of the Year show at her first attempt.

Danielle Devine, 17, and her Dales pony Poppy will be competing alongside the best equestrian talent in the country when they travel to the NEC on October 9.

The appearance in the ridden mountain and moorland section will cap a fantastic year for Danielle, who has won at major shows culminating in the Horse of the Year Qualifier in Peterborough.

Proud mum Lesley Devine, of Roden Road, Oswaldtwistle, said Danielle had worked hard for her success.

"She spends every weekend working with the pony and deserves her moment of glory," said Lesley.

Danielle, who is doing business studies at St Mary's College, Blackburn, has been riding since she was 11.

She is pictured showing the determination and style which has brought her deserved success and an appearance at The Horse Of The Year Show.