POLICE are cracking down on pubs in Darwen which stay open after closing time following complaints of late night trouble from nearby residents.

Inspector Graham Ashcroft also revealed that two town centre pubs were being closely monitored as part of the operation. He said undercover officers would be senClampt in to see if licensing laws were being flouted.

Punishment for such breaches could result in the landlord or landlady's licence being revoked, or severe restrictions placed on it such as reduced opening times. Residents reported that a minority of trouble makers have been leaving pubs in the early hours and damaging cars.

Insp Ashcroft said: "Generally in Darwen we have a good rapport with the licensees. The Pub Watch scheme has helped cut crime and disorder in and around the pubs.

"However, there are other licensees who flout the law and this often means we get informed by residents when it's accompanied by anti-social behaviour. We would like to send out the message to the licensees to remind them of the licensing laws and that they must stick to them.

"If they don't and are clearly flouting the law, then we will take action."

Derek Howarth, chairman of the Licensed Victualler's Association, said: "There is half an hour's drinking up time and it's difficult to get rid of people on a busy night."