A MAN who mugged a pensioner as she walked home with shopping has been jailed for three and a half years.

Christopher Mather, 25, will also serve 168 days of a previous sentence. He pulled 72-year-old Jenny Wildman to the ground in Bacup Road, Rawtenstall, in June.

Mather, arrested in Olive Street, Stacksteads, was on licence for a similar offence when he attacked Mrs Wildman and dragged the terrified pensioner to the floor as she tried to hold on to her purse.

She needed hospital treatment for swelling to her leg and to her grazed and bleeding hand. She was extremely upset by the whole incident.

Sitting at Preston Crown court, Judge Barbara Watson told Mather, who pleaded guilty: "Vulnerable members of the public like Mrs Wildman are entitled to look to the court for protection. This was a serious matter. It has to be marked by a custodial sentence."

Andrew Alty, prosecuting, told the court Mrs Wildman was carrying two shopping bags and a purse and felt someone tugging at her. She tried to hang on to her purse and was pulled face down to the floor. The purse contained £15.

When arrested Mather denied the offence but was picked out at an identity parade by two witnesses who had seen the robbery.

Nicholas Courtney, defending, said Mather had never intended to injure Mrs Wildman. He had pleaded guilty at an early stage and had saved her from having to attend court.