A SELF-EMPLOYED computer consultant caught in a car with a prostitute admitted to police that he had agreed to pay her £20 to perform a sex act.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Ian Michael Thompson had been followed by police in an unmarked car as he toured the red light district of Blackburn.

And after he stopped to pick up the known prostitute he was followed to a nearby industrial estate where he was arrested.

Thompson, 34, of Lyndus Road, Burnley, pleaded guilty to soliciting a woman for the purpose of prostitution. He was fined £150 and ordered to pay £65 costs.

Lesley Halliwell, defending, said Thompson was between relationships and accepted travelling from Burnley to the red light district of Blackburn.

"He is now aware that Blackburn police are in the process of stamping out this kind of behaviour in the area," said Miss Halliwell.

"He accepts that what he did was wrong but at the time there were very few people in the area other than prostitutes and little harm was done."

She confirmed that Thompson was due to fly to Egypt later on the day of his court appearance where he will be working for three weeks.

Passing sentence the chairman said Thompson's behaviour was totally unacceptable to society.

Police recently launched a blitz on prostitutes and kerb crawlers in the red light area after it was revealed more than 30 were operating in Bank Top.