BLACKBURN Rovers star Brad Friedel today spoke of the frantic hours he and his family spent when news broke of the terror attacks in his native America.

The Ohio-born shot stopper was training with his Ewood Park team-mates as the first plane slammed into the World Trade Centre.

By the time he returned home thousands were feared dead.

As Brad, the star of the American World Cup campaign in the summer, turned on the television his immediate thoughts were of his family.

His wife Tracy is from New York and had a cousin who worked in the Twin Towers.

He said: "I was training then I got home and got a phone call to say 'turn on your telly' and I couldn't believe what was going on.

"We played against Oldham directly after it happened last year and having football to deal with was a great release from it all."

Before that Worthington Cup game with Oldham at Ewood Park, just two days after the tragedy, Brad offered a silent prayer to those that lost their lives.

One year on from the attacks, he remains philosophical.

He said: "I think in any country when something like that happens it's not a great memory.

"It's no more significant that it happened in America rather than some other country. Obviously, it hit home with myself but things happen all over the world.

"Nobody's religion is right or wrong. Everyone should have their own opinion as to why these things happen. We just have to take them as they come and deal with them as they come."

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