A VITAL service which has instilled independence and confidence among many people with learning disabilities in Bury is fighting for survival.

Funding for Bury Gateway Club's three-year, £50,000 People Matter project is scheduled to run out at the end of the year.

The initiative, which was set up using National Lottery cash, could be forced to be scrapped unless new money is secured.

And that would mean People Matter project co-ordinator Mrs Margaret Barker and a part-time administrative worker losing their jobs.

But more importantly, it would have an impact on those people who would benefit from the service.

Mrs Barker, who co-founded the Mosses Centre-based Gateway Club 20 years ago, said: "We are a service working with people with learning disabilities who need support to become more independent."

The project has helped about 60 people who have also been assisted by a 20-strong band of volunteers.

Mrs Barker added: "The project helps them to gain self-esteem, confidence and to move on, in a number of cases, towards employment. We are beginning to see the fruits of our labours now and that's why we are looking for funding to carry this on."

Because the Gateway Club cannot get renewed National Lottery funding for a three-year extension to the project, it is trying desperately to source other financial avenues.

"We can't apply for funding for the same project. Secondary funding is very rare. It's got to be a development project," explained Mrs Barker.

"We'd like to open a drop-in centre here at the Mosses where people can come in and have a chat. We feel we could have a base where people can meet representatives from different agencies."

She is hopeful that new funding can be found to allow the project to continue. "Just to keep the basic service, without frills, will cost £38,000 a year. We don't want to have to throw it away and to turn our backs on those we have been supporting."

Gateway also operates a popular social club and caters for 130 members, ranging from teenagers to pensioners.

The club is to stage a sponsored fund-raising duck race at Burrs Country Park on September 21, and tickets are available. Gateway is also looking for people with a head for heights to take part in a sponsored abseil down Peel Tower on October 19.

Anyone who would like to support these activities, or who can help with funding in any way, is asked to ring Mrs Barker on (0161) 797 2463.