REGARDING your story headlined 'Traders to pay for a merry Christmas' (LET, August 26), the man in charge of regeneration, Councillor Andy Kay, says "a schedule of activities is currently being put together with detailed costings and we are working with our partners investigating a number of sources of funding."

Does he mean just Blackburn, or does he mean both Blackburn and Darwen? He is, after all, in charge of regeneration in both towns, not just Blackburn.

After last year's pathetic attempt by the council at putting Christmas lights up in Darwen town centre, I was told by council leader Bill Taylor that Blackburn town centre traders were able to contribute 40 per cent of the cost of the town's Christmas lights and this enabled a much larger Christmas lighting display.

But there was no mention of any European cash which had been used to fund previous Christmas promotional activities.

No wonder Blackburn could afford Atomic Kitten to switch their lights on while Darwen only had the leading lady from the local pantomime. It's a bit like one half of the borough downing oysters and champagne and Darwen having to make do with tripe and chips.

Is Darwen going to be invited to this year's Christmas celebrations, or are we yet again going to be Cinderella and not be allowed to come to the ball?

I would also like to ask Coun Kay why, if it is possible to raise £220,000 to light up buildings in Blackburn town centre (LET, September 4), it is not possible to light up one building in Darwen -- namely Darwen Tower.

Darwen people have endeavoured to get this done for a number of years, but have always been knocked back as far as the costs have been concerned. But if £220,000 can be raised for Blackburn, why cannot a similar grant be applied for to light up Darwen Tower?

ROY DAVIES, Olive Lane, Darwen.