LEIGH must never be left without adequate fire cover says MP Andy Burnham who believes emergency service change proposals are flawed.

He is calling for a rethink and detailed answers to his crucial questions regarding Greater Manchester County Fire Service proposals and their effect on his area.

Invited to comment on the Best Value report proposals he says he supports many recommendations, particularly the vital improvement to fire cover in the area south of Wigan.

Here he highlights what he considers flaws within the review plan.

And, in a letter to fire chiefs , Mr Burnham says: "I am not satisfied that the solution is to relocate cover within the Borough -- rather than increase it -- nor that the case has been properly made that fire cover in the Leigh area can be safely reduced."

"Of 67 pumps deployed in the country, 15 are based in one-pump stations and under the proposals he says Wigan borough would have four one-pump stations. It would lack the support of a nearby two-pump station enjoyed in other parts of the county.

"My fear is that Leigh would be left as one of the biggest towns in Greater Manchester served by a one-pump station and the area along the East Lancs corridor potentially exposed.

"It is disappointing that the review document puts forward its proposal without setting out and examining other options nor showing beyond doubt that the reduction can be implemented safely.

"The borough currently has six fire engines to serve a wide area of high population in small townships linked by narrow roads.

"I would be interested to know if you have investigated increasing the number of engines serving this area by providing the new station while retaining the second pump at Leigh and, if so, what conclusions were reached?


"I note the review recommends the overall reduction of the Greater Manchester fire engine fleet even though your figures show a steady increase in the number of reported incidents the service is handling.

"Has the Authority considered maintaining the fleet at its current level (67) but relocating a pump to the Wigan area from elsewhere in the county?

"I am concerned that the new arrangements leave no room for error should the number of pumps at Leigh be reduced.

"But if adopted I would be grateful for an assurance that the risk categorisation and response times in the Leigh area will be kept

under regular review and cover increased if a problem arises.

"A further key question is under what circumstances would the single pump be taken out of the area?

"I would be grateful for further assurance that the Leigh station will never be left uncovered if this situation arises."

Mr Burnham concludes: "On the basis of information supplied I cannot support the authority's proposal and would urge it to look again in the light of the issues I have raised."