I WOULD like to respond to a recent letter in the Citizen, which gave the impression that a Christian group were distributing literature in Lancaster centre which was racist and incited religious hatred.

The particular leaflet referred to had a picture of the New York skyline (pre-September 11) and was headed 'Attack on New York.

Solving the Mystery.'

If the complainant had read the literature he would have seen that it was in no way racist.

As a bible believing Christian, I believe as the scripture says that we are all descended from one man - Adam - and are all of equal value before our Creator.

No true Christian is racist, the two things are totally incompatible.

With regard to the appropriateness of using the September 11 disaster to call people to repent and trust in Jesus, I understand why people should find this wholly inappropriate but many people in the last year have thrown out that challenging question - where is God when more than 3,000 people perish in such a disaster? Is it wrong to try and answer the question?

More importantly, the Bible makes clear that God is sovereign over the nations, that He does speak through such disasters and that he is not only a God of love and mercy but a God of wrath and judgment.

Britain and America are similar, in as much as both countries have a strong Christian heritage.

In the past, both have set the 10 commandments at the heart of the nation and many from both lands have laid down their lives to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ across the world and to honour God.

As a consequence we have known God's blessing and protection in large measure.

Now both our nations have turned a very long way from Him and His laws.

We need to repent.

September 11 sounds a loud warning for us all.

It is only the beginning, there is much worse ahead.

John 3:16 indeed reminds us of a glorious truth.

God does not want us to perish.

He has made a way from us to come back to Him through His Son Jesus Christ.

I freely acknowledge our literature is not perfect but the Bible is the complete, inspired and perfect word of God - please read it!

I am far from perfect but my saviour Jesus is perfect and utterly true and faithful, please repent and put your trust in Him.

Chris Brough
