STAFF at an animal centre have been left struggling to cope after an overwhelming demand for places.

The Altham Animal Centre, in Enfield Road, Altham, has been flooded by lost cats from across East Lancashire, and is now full.

Around 46 cats are being looked after -- the maximum number it is allowed to accommodate under its licence terms -- with a further 126 on the waiting list.

Today RSPCA officials made a desperate plea for cat owners to ensure their animals can be traced, and to "exhaust all avenues," before giving up hope of finding their pets.

The centre employs 14 staff and is run by the RSPCA's Lancashire East branch at a cost of £180,000 -- money collected from fund-raising.

Centre manager Jeanette Ainscough urged people to have their pets microchipped, and said the centre was desperate for a turn in the trend of abandoning animals.

"Many of the cats that come to the centre are in good bodily condition," she said. "I don't believe they have been heartlessly abandoned, but are actually owned by people who care for them a lot. The problem is that the person may not know what steps could be taken to be reunited with their cat."

Cats can be microchipped by having a small chip inserted under their skin in a procedure carried out by a vet. This stores a unique identity code which is registered with a local agency.

The centre, which opened in 1971, also cares for dogs and smaller animals, some of whom may have been abandoned, or kept in inappropriate conditions.

Jeanette said: "All the animals at Altham have a sad story to tell behind why they are here.

"Our goal is to ensure they all go to good homes with owners who fully understand the full care and financial commitment required to look after a pet."

Pet owners are advised to ask neighbours to check surrounding gardens, contact local vets, and put advertisements in local newspapers, or post offices, before accepting their cat is missing for good.

PetSearch run a lost and found register and can be contacted on 01282 702842.

Environmental health departments also keep some registers of cats involved in road accidents.

The Altham centre is open from 11am to 4pm, and can be contacted on 01254 231118.